When embarking on a new build project, structured cabling should be at the top of your priority list. Its reliability, performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency make it an indispensable component of any modern network infrastructure. Embrace the power of structured cabling and set your new build on the path to success in the interconnected world of today and tomorrow.
Read MoreIn what has now become not only a much anticipated and a viral sensation, but an inspiring symbol of intelligence, survival and team work, our resident female Mallard duck returns each spring to lay her eggs in the safety of one the interior courtyards of Gary Allan Learning Centre.
Read MoreAt Millside we have some core beliefs that direct our actions, our values as a team and the service we offer our clients.
Read MoreMillside is an experienced service provider in the telecommunications, advanced technology, and network infrastructure industry. This means that we work with industry leaders, such as Avaya, Hubbell, Corning and Ubiquiti to deliver best-in-class communications services to our customers, like you!
Read MoreSimply put, Wireless System Solutions provide your office with wireless networking access points (WIFI), allowing for easy, reliable and secure communication between you, your employees, suppliers, partners and customers.
Read MoreLow up-front costs, reliability of the cloud and the knowledge that your phone system will always be up-to-date with the latest software, a hosted solution can be great option for your business.
Read MoreYour business works hard to provide essential services to your customers, and clear, secure communication is a large part of that. Eliminate high phone bills with affordable SIP trunks, or if you're under contract, keep your current lines and we will move your service at a later date.
Read MoreWhen it comes to your company’s network, choosing high quality cabling and connectors is as important as the method in which it is installed. At Millside Total Communications, we work closely with our clients to ensure the entire process runs as seamlessly as possible, so you can get back to work in an efficiently run office!
Read MoreJust as we have been here to support our customers with our hosted telecom solutions and your remote offices, we are here to assist with re-inventing your actual office. Our structured cabling team delivers the glue that binds your phones, PCs and other devices together. We provide effective solutions for your communication needs. A necessity for growth, organized structured cabling solutions ensure a highly reliable network infrastructure that stands the test of time – critical considering the speed in which technology evolves and changes these days.
Read MoreWhile the modern working world is changing, technology is changing with it! Millside Total Communications works hard to ensure your business remains successful through efficient phone systems, top-notch networks, and solutions that change the way we connect. The future depends on those advances.
Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you’ve been told you need it. And maybe you have no idea what the heck it is. At Millside, we can explain what exactly SIP Trunking is, how it works, and how it can benefit your Canadian business’s communication plan. We’ve even included a helpful glossary to explain some complex terms. Ready? Let’s do this.
Read MoreIP Trunking or SIP Trunking? Which one is right for your business communications?
For your business, communication is key. You may be considering IP Trunking or SIP Trunking. Sure, they’re only one letter away from each other, but that’s just the beginning of the differences between them. Let us break down the meanings, differences, pros and cons of each one for your business’s communication needs.
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